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High-quality drain cable machines used by contractors and plumbers worldwide

Rioned supply a comprehensive range of waterless spring, drum and flexible shaft drain cleaning machines for the rapid removal of blockages, scale and build-ups of waste in small domestic and commercial pipework. Built using the latest technology, our range of mechanically-operated cable machines are compact, lightweight and easily transportable, making them ideal for smaller-scale tasks in domestic and light commercial settings.

Drum machnes fullwidth
Flexmatic vrijstaand lage res
10350004000 master 1
Cordless Handmatic

Automatic, spring-fed cable drum machines

  • Pipe diameters up to 250mm
  • Range of spring diameters
  • Compact and easily transportable
  • 6 kg to 71 kg

Our drum cable machines are an all-in-one solution for cleaning and clearing blockages in drainpipes. Smaller handheld spring machines are fitted with a corded or cordless drill for the professional cleaning of pipelines with a diameter of up to 75mm, while larger units, such as the Master, are suitable for operation in drains up to 250mm. All Rioned spring machines are compact, easy to transport and feature an enclosed drum to ensure a clean working area and the safety of operators.

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Suitcase machines fullwidth
Victor Light

Silent and powerful sectional cable machines

  • Pipe diameters up to 160mm
  • Range of spring diameters
  • Silent electric motor
  • 25 kg

Rioned’s sectional cable machines have been designed for the professional cleaning of drain downpipes up to 60m in length and 160mm in diameter. These lightweight machines use coupled sections of cable to complete larger cleaning tasks, with operators only needing to transport the length of cable required for a specific job. Ideal for use in larger houses and apartments, our suitcase machines are controlled via an easy-to-use lever mechanism and feature protective covers to ensure the safety of users.

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Type D

Lightweight drain-cleaning hand tools

  • Manually-operated
  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight and easily transportable
  • Ideal for toilets, urinals and small drains

Rioned’s drain-cleaning hand tools have been designed for unblocking small drains, toilets, and urinals. Our larger manually-operated hand tools are suitable for pipelines with a diameter of up to 50mm and can be fitted with a 6mm or 7mm spring. A popular choice for drainage contractors and plumbers, these drain cleaning tools are extremely lightweight and easily transportable between jobs.

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Rioflex fullwidth